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Public Health

9 03, 2017

The 6:18 Initiative: Accelerating Evidence into Action

2017-03-14T10:37:14-04:00March 9th, 2017|

The 6:18 initiative targets 6 common and costly health conditions using 18 proven interventions.  6:18 is a national initiative of the CDC that can be implemented in every community and practice setting.  From the 6:18 website:

CDC is partnering with health care purchasers, payers, and providers to improve health and control health care costs. CDC provides these partners with rigorous evidence about high-burden health conditions and associated interventions to inform their decisions to have the greatest health and cost impact. This initiative offers proven interventions that prevent chronic and infectious diseases by increasing their coverage, access, utilization and quality. Additionally, it aligns evidence-based preventive practices with emerging value-based payment […]

16 09, 2016

VDH LiveWell Resources

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 16th, 2016|

VDH LiveWell is a flagship brand for the Office of Family Health Services to help Virginia become the healthiest state in the nation. You’ll find information on programs that focus on strengthening the health of families and communities, plus risk avoidance tips and information on how certain issues affect public health.  Click here to visit the site.

15 09, 2016

Book Review: Making Places Healthy

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 15th, 2016|

It is well established that place matters for health promotion.  But how do we go about making a place healthier? This is the question addressed in Making Places Healthy: Designing and Building for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainability (Island Press, 2011 available through major online booksellers).  Edited byAndrew Dannenberg, Howard Franklin, and Richard J. Jackson, this book provides insight on healthy community design from dozens of authors with backgrounds in public health, community development, health care, and more.

 The book opens with an introduction to the concept of healthy places, emphasizing areas of common interest between public health and the community design professions.  The next section describes the impact of community design on […]

15 09, 2016

The 3-4-50 Framework for Health Improvement

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 15th, 2016|

3-4-50 FrameworkWe know from research that health status is influenced by multiple factors including genetics, social circumstances, environmental exposures, health care, and behavioral patterns.  What we might not fully realize is that behavioral patterns have the single greatest influence on personal and population health.  This means that achieving better health at lower cost will require improvements in health promotion and prevention at the community level.  The 3-4-50 framework can be a helpful tool for focusing these strategies.

3-4-50: A Focusing Framework for Community Health Improvement
The three health risk behaviors are unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, and tobacco use.
3-4-50 is a community health improvement strategy based […]

15 09, 2016

Collective Impact in Somerville, MA

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 15th, 2016|

From the Youtube post:
“How do you transform a city where almost half of the children are overweight or obese into a healthy, vibrant community? In this new video from the Collective Impact Forum, Dr. Christina Economos, principal investigator, and David Hudson, director of Shape Up Somerville, discuss the adoption of a collective impact approach and the journey that created a healthier Somerville.

Ten years ago, the youth of the city of Somerville, Mass., much like the rest of the country, faced an obesity epidemic. 44% of youth were obese or overweight, and overweight adolescents had a 70% chance […]

8 07, 2016

Healthy People 2020

2016-10-31T08:29:34-04:00July 8th, 2016|

Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. For 3 decades, Healthy People has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to:

  • Encourage collaborations across communities and sectors.
  • Empower individuals toward making informed health decisions.
  • Measure the impact of prevention activities.

Healthy People 2020 can be a valuable resource for defining health improvement objectives. However, the sheer number of Healthy People 2020 objectives (more than 1,400) can be daunting. The following framework provides a searchable database to help you quickly focus on the Healthy People 2020 objectives that are most important for your particular initiative. You can learn […]

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