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Physical Activity

15 09, 2016

Book Review: Making Places Healthy

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 15th, 2016|

It is well established that place matters for health promotion.  But how do we go about making a place healthier? This is the question addressed in Making Places Healthy: Designing and Building for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainability (Island Press, 2011 available through major online booksellers).  Edited byAndrew Dannenberg, Howard Franklin, and Richard J. Jackson, this book provides insight on healthy community design from dozens of authors with backgrounds in public health, community development, health care, and more.

 The book opens with an introduction to the concept of healthy places, emphasizing areas of common interest between public health and the community design professions.  The next section describes the impact of community design on […]

15 09, 2016

The 3-4-50 Framework for Health Improvement

2016-10-31T08:29:33-04:00September 15th, 2016|

3-4-50 FrameworkWe know from research that health status is influenced by multiple factors including genetics, social circumstances, environmental exposures, health care, and behavioral patterns.  What we might not fully realize is that behavioral patterns have the single greatest influence on personal and population health.  This means that achieving better health at lower cost will require improvements in health promotion and prevention at the community level.  The 3-4-50 framework can be a helpful tool for focusing these strategies.

3-4-50: A Focusing Framework for Community Health Improvement
The three health risk behaviors are unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, and tobacco use.
3-4-50 is a community health improvement strategy based […]

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