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Care Transitions

9 08, 2016

Medication Reconciliation and Hospital Readmissions

2016-10-31T08:29:34-04:00August 9th, 2016|

There are a number of recent studies around medication reconciliation, particularly in the hospital setting, and whether interventions may effect readmissions as well as patient experience. We highlight three studies below which may provide insights and best practices for organizations considering a medication reconciliation program at their organization. All three studies demonstrated improved/enhanced patient experience. Two of the three studies demonstrated reductions in readmissions.


Cleveland Clinic Ask 3, Teach 3 Program

Abstract/Summary: At Cleveland Clinic Health System, several unit-based teams were already working to improve performance on the medication HCAHPS questions, but attempts were isolated and not coordinated well enough to share best practices throughout the organization. A multidisciplinary improvement […]

8 07, 2016

ICU Transfer Best Practices

2016-10-31T08:29:34-04:00July 8th, 2016|

There are a number of studies about transfer of patients from ICU to other areas of the hospital. Best practices about ICU transfer include Stepdown Units, discharge strategy checklists, and staffing strategies. We highlight a few key studies below which address best practices in ICU transfer.

The Role of Stepdown Beds in Hospital Care

Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2014)

Abstract: Stepdown beds provide an intermediate level of care for patients with requirements somewhere between that of the general ward and the intensive care unit. Models of care include incorporation of stepdown beds into intensive care units, stand-alone units, or incorporation of beds into standard […]

14 10, 2015

Care Transitions

2016-11-11T10:52:25-05:00October 14th, 2015|

Care transitions occur when a patient moves from one health care provider or setting to another, or from a health care provider to home.  Effective care transitions are important for optimizing patient health and for avoiding unnecessary utilization of hospital services and related services.   As CMS has noted:

Nearly one in five Medicare patients discharged from a hospital—approximately 2.6 million seniors—is readmitted within 30 days, at a cost of over $26 billion every year. Hospitals have traditionally served as the focal point of efforts to reduce readmissions by focusing on those components that they are directly responsible for, including the quality of care during the hospitalization and […]

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