Design Thinking to Get Kids Moving (video)
This video from Daylight Design provides a quick overview of a design thinking process for encouraging physical activity among children..
This video from Daylight Design provides a quick overview of a design thinking process for encouraging physical activity among children..
There are a number of recent studies around medication reconciliation, particularly in the hospital setting, and whether interventions may effect readmissions as well as patient experience. We highlight three studies below which may provide insights and best practices for organizations considering a medication reconciliation program at their organization. All three studies demonstrated improved/enhanced patient experience. Two of the three studies demonstrated reductions in readmissions.
Cleveland Clinic Ask 3, Teach 3 Program
Abstract/Summary: At Cleveland Clinic Health System, several unit-based teams were already working to improve performance on the medication HCAHPS questions, but attempts were isolated and not coordinated well enough to share best practices throughout the organization. A multidisciplinary improvement […]
This page provides periodic updates on Inter-Professional Collaboration (IPC) in the news and research journals.
This resource was shared by Patti McCue and Bonnie Barndt-Maglio at the February 20th SYNC session on “Operationalizing the Core Competencies of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice.” Click on the image below to view the resource.
Now available:
Presentations from the Fourth Annual Emswiller Interprofessional Symposium, this year’s theme being Leading Interprofessional Innovations in a Changing World. Click here to learn about the event and view the presentations.
These reports can be found at (Health Research and Education Trust) and (Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence).
There are a number of studies about transfer of patients from ICU to other areas of the hospital. Best practices about ICU transfer include Stepdown Units, discharge strategy checklists, and staffing strategies. We highlight a few key studies below which address best practices in ICU transfer.
The Role of Stepdown Beds in Hospital Care
Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2014)
Abstract: Stepdown beds provide an intermediate level of care for patients with requirements somewhere between that of the general ward and the intensive care unit. Models of care include incorporation of stepdown beds into intensive care units, stand-alone units, or incorporation of beds into standard […]
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If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Amy Swierczewski at or 804-377-1053.
County Health Rankings is a national project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. The County Health Rankings provide comparative data on a defined set of community health indicators for each city and county in the nation, with each locality ranked against others within its state. The County Health Rankings are very helpful for starting community conversations about health improvement. For a variety of technical reasons the County Health Rankings have limited value for designing data-driven community strategies.
The following visualization by Community Health Solutions shows the comparative County Health Rankings for all Virginia localities. The purpose of this visualization is to […]